Sunday 18 November 2012

Stefan Does Writing

by Stefan Zajdler

Here is a video. Of me. Trying to do writing. Let's see how this goes.


  1. Your video was really good! You are very charismatic and you make writing seem like something approachable. The parts of you watching other videos was a little long but I guess that that’s an accurate representation of reality :) I think seeing that others equally struggle to put things down on paper is reassuring and you also made it humorous. Great video! :D
    -Jessica Feuiltault

  2. This was so funny and so true. I get distracted all the time when I should be writing. I think a lot of writers could relate to this because it's hard to just decide to write and get great words down. I agree with Jessica when she said when you were watching your videos, it was a little long. Other than that i'd totally watch it again. Great job!


  3. Stefan you're hilarious. "Writing is a sweater activity." lol

    Anyway, I really enjoyed this video and I definitely agree with you that procrastinating has to be one of the biggest hurdles to overcome when trying to write something. Like every five minutes you find yourself distracted by absolutely everything... even Smarties. Maybe you're right; it's just a matter of getting started and then just letting everything out until you've created something that's (maybe? probably? possibly?) "not terrible" and actually worth reading. =P Great video!

