Tuesday 20 November 2012

Sorry about being late...

By: Jillian Brodner

I couldn't for the longest time think of something to write for this blog entry. I think that’s the worst time to have writers block, when you know you have to meet a deadline, but your brain won’t let you think of something interesting or relevant to write. I think that one of the worst things, that I have to get over, is being afraid of people reading your writing.
I don’t think I am the only person who has this problem. At least, I hope I’m not the only person with this problem, because that would be awkward. Anyways, in my searches of the internet, I have found that this is called “Scriptophobia” (http://www.fearofstuff.com/places/fear-of-writing-in-public/). I found it interesting that there was actually a name for this, I thought it was just me being weird (which wouldn't be something new).
                The weird thing is that once a paper is handed in, or any sort of writing is handed in this seems to disappear. It doesn't bother me if I’m not there when someone reads it, only when people read it in front of me. I guess I could just tell people to submit all questions and comments to me in writing, and I wouldn't have that much of an issue with people reading it. Right now as you are reading this, it doesn't bother me as much, because I can’t see your face. I also can’t hear the all of the comments about how much better all of the other entries are and that you would rather be checking Facebook.
                I found this interesting website that I found amusing, it’s called Men with Pens (http://menwithpens.ca/). They one part where they were talking about the 7 deadly fears of writing. I found it really interesting that some people have the “fear of success” which to me, doesn't make much sense. But who am I to judge.
                In some other articles, it also said that the fear of writing can also manifest itself as procrastination (which makes sense about why I am only submitting this a day late). I can’t really say that I have done that until now.
                I guess what I am trying to say is that it really doesn't matter, and you shouldn't be afraid of what people will say, and what people might think when they read your writing. Most people can actually help you improve your writing, which can help you in the long run. It always helps to get someone else’s input, because not everyone is going to say something mean about your work.  


  1. I think I have the same issue! Whenever a work of mine is posted or is being read without my physically being their, then it will not bother me at all. I agree that the fear of writing can lead to procrastination because one can have a number of fantastic ideas juggling in their minds, yet may be afraid of putting it down on paper. I think this can lead to fear of success. Some of us just prefer the actual idea and the beauty of it that remains in our mind, rather than writing it down.I had no idea that their was such a thing as seven deadly fears of writing; it makes me think of the seven deadly sins, lol. All in all, I think your right. People should not be afraid of what others think about their writing or be afraid of others reading their work. I think a possible reason why we get afraid of others reading our writing especially when we are next to them or what not, is because we suddenly reflect over what we wrote and we get embarrased because we question whether that line was appropriate, if it was too vague, too personal, etc. Suddenly, we feel as though half or the entire piece we wrote could have vbeen so much better.I think you adressed a really important psychological issue one can have when it comes to their work. Good job!

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I just wait there when people read my stuff. I get so stressed, because they don't have any expression on their face. The worst thing is when it supposes to be funny, but the person reading my piece doesn't smile nor laugh. They just end up with "Yeah, it's good." I just get depressed about my writing. But it's not all about laughing. I'm still confident about what I write and believe in it. :)
